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Syllabus Project

The AMHIG Syllabus Project aims to create a robust collection of undergraduate and graduate course syllabi that focus, either broadly or specifically, on anthropology, culture, and mental health. Our goal is to create a collection of syllabi that will provide opportunities for faculty members, mental health practitioners, and the general public to learn about academic articles, books, reports, and resources that may be helpful for them in their work or everyday lives. We welcome syllabi from past, current, or future classes. Please submit your documents as PDFs or Word files to

Below are links to contributed syllabi:

Anthropology of Mental Health, upper-level undergraduate, Beatriz Reyes-Foster

Counseling as Colonization? Native American Encounters with the Clinical Psy-ences, upper-level undergraduate, Joseph P. Gone

Culture & Mental Health, advanced graduate, Joseph P. Gone

Culture & Personality, upper-level undergraduate, Shelly Yankovskyy

Mental Health & Society, upper-level undergraduate, Shelly Yankovskyy

Mind, Madness, Meditation, upper-level undergraduate, Emily Mendenhall

For additional resources, see the Society for Psychological Anthropology’s list of syllabi.