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Does my Culture affect your Care? International Workshop in London

Does my Culture affect your Care?

International Workshop on The Bloomsbury Cultural Formulation Interview Theory and Clinical skills

3-4 April 2014
UCL Mental Health Sciences Unit, London, United Kingdom

This is a unique, interactive and experiential 17 CPD points accredited workshop. It is aimed at professionals working with people suffering from mental distress. Participants will learn cutting edge concepts of applied medical anthropological & skills to conduct a clinical cultural interview. The workshop will enhance their capability for engaging, assessing, treating and researching mental distress across cultures.

Faculty and Speakers
Clinician anthropologists who have pioneered theory and practice of cultural formulations:

Dr. Sushrut Jadhav
Course Director

Dr. Samrat Sengupta
Course Co-Director
Broadmoor Hospital

Prof. Roland Littlewood
Inaugural Speaker

Prof. Laurence Kirmayer
Keynote Speaker
McGill University

Course Coordinators: Dr Caroline Selai, Nanda K. Kannuri, Clement Bayetti, & Janice Woo

Course Fees: 300.00 GBP (non-refundable). Space limited to 35 participants

For further enquiries, please contact
Sandra Asante, Short Course Administrator
Tel: +44 (0) 207 679 9475. Email:

This workshop is co-hosted by UCL Cultural Consultation Service
& UCL Science, Society and Medicine Network

Does my Culture affect your Care

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